시간 | 프로그램 | ||
13:00-13:20 (20') |
개회식 | ||
13:30 - 14:00 (30') | KN-1 |
Keynote Speech 1 : The Path to a Sustainable Port - Shaping the Green Transformation
Tino Klemm (Hamburg Port Authority, CFO, Germany ) 지속 가능한 항만으로 가는 길 - 친환경 전환 | 티노 클렘 CFO(함부르크 항만공사) |
14:00-15:20 (80') |
[K1] Green Fuel Development and Ports' and Shipping Companies' Response Chairperson : Kang-Ki Lee (AVL Zoellner Marine GmbH, Managing Director, Germany) 친환경 연료 개발과 항만 및 선사의 대응 | 이강기 사장(에이브이엘 동력계 ㈜) |
![]() Kang-Ki Lee
BiographyKang-Ki Lee holds an PhD in Maritime Energy Management from World Maritime University in Malmo Sweden, focusing on maritime energy management and how to mitigate GHG emissions from shippin g. His research interests are GHG emissions, energy strategy and alternative fuels in maritime trans portation. He added management skill through executive management courses of MAN Group with WHU and Ox ford University (2007-2010) after Industrial Management from Seoul National University (2007) Korea. He worked as professor for (National) Korea Maritime University 2013-2019 after Executive Senior Vice President of DSEC (Subsidy of Daewoo Shipbuilding Machinery Engineering) and President of MAN Diesel Korea & Turbo Far East till 2013 since 1987. Currently, he is the managing director of AVL Zöllner Marine GmbH, Germany, a partnership associa te professor at Klaipeda University, and member of the CIMAC GHG Strategy WG. |
14:00-14:20 (20') |
K1-1 |
First Mover to De-Carbonization - e-Fuel Engine
Sung-Chan An (HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, Senior Vice President, Korea) 탈탄소화를 위한 퍼스트 무버 - e-Fuel 엔진 | 안성찬 상무(HD현대중공업) |
![]() Sung-Chan An
- Bachelor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University (1991 ~ 1998) - Master's degree, KAIST Mechanical Engineering (1998-2000) "Optimal design of compression support ring" - Ph.D., Pusan National University Tribology (2008 ~ 2017) " Contact fatigue life prediction model development considering oil film coefficients and experimental productions" - 2000 ~ 2005 Ship Maritime Research Institute Structural Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2005 ~ 2014 Technology Development Headquarters Engine Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2015 ~ 2016 Engine Research Institute Reliability Laboratory/Optimal Design Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2016 ~ 2020 Engine Research Institute Green Power System Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - Dec. 2021~ Nov. 2022, Head of Virtual Product Development Research Department, Hyundai Heavy Industries - Dec. 2022 ~ , Head of Engine Research Institute, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2023 ~ , KSME, Director of Industry-University Cooperation / Director of Industry-University Cooperation in the Reliability Division - Dec. 2023 ~ , Senior Executive Director of KOMERI
In recent years, the focus on carbon-neutrality has been growing across the entire industry. According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), international shipping must reduce total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 100% (achieving net-zero) by 2050, compared to 2008 levels. To achieve carbon-neutrality, it is essential to change ship fuels from fossil fuel to e-fuels. Representative e-fuels include methanol, ammonia and hydrogen, with methanol-powered engines already being available commercially. In 2022, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) developed the world`s first 3.0-4.5MW medium-speed methanol-powered engine, H32DF-LM, which is being supplied to methanol-fueled ships globally. Additionally, in March 2024, HHI successfully completed the type approval test (TAT) for its 1.3-2.0MW medium-speed methanol engine, H22CDF-LM, establishing the first-ever lineup of methanol engines worldwide. HHI is in the process of developing 2.0-3.0MW methanol engine and plans to complete the detailed design later this year. Furthermore, research and development are underway for ammonia and hydrogen engines, which are zero-carbon fuels. To better understand the spay and combustion characteristics of ammonia fuel, HHI built the world`s largest constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) and has conducted visualization tests of ammonia spray and combustion. Based on the insight gained from these tests, engine prototype tests are currently in progress. The first ammonia engine (1.3-2.0MW), H22CDF-LA, is scheduled for TAT in the last of 2024. To develop the hydrogen engine, combustion characteristics and key component verification will be conducted using a single-cylinder engine. Following this, the development will be expanded to multi-cylinder engines. In addition, fuel supply system for each fuel type is being developed. Through these, we are doing our best as a total marine solution provider.
14:20-14:40 (20') |
K1-2 |
Shipping Companies' Strategy for Eco-friendly Ships
Young-Sun Kim (HMM, R&D Team Leader, Korea) 친환경선박을 위한 해운선사 전략 | 김영선 팀장(HMM R&D팀) |
![]() Young-Sun Kim
1996 ~ 2006
: Marine chief officer at HMM 2006 ~ 2010
: General manager (Safety Management Team in HMM) 2010 ~ 2018
: Team Leader of the Maritime Technology Team (HMM Ocean Service) 2018 ~ : Team Leader of the R&D Team (HMM)
Shipping companies face two major challenges: digitalization and decarbonization. In particular, decarbonizing shipping is one of the biggest challenges facing the shipping industry.
Greenhouse gas regulations for shipping are becoming increasingly stringent. The last MEPC 80 introduced a much stronger IMO GHG strategy of achieving net zero by 2050. The IMO is currently discussing stronger mid-term measures beyond short-term measures. In addition to IMO, the EU is preparing its own regional regulations. To respond to these regulations, shipping companies are considering a number of strategies, including newbuildings powered by alternative fuels, retrofitting existing conventional ships to alternative fuel ships, energy-saving devices, and biofuels. Today, I would like to explain what strategies shipping is developing and implementing in response to the decarbonization pressures it faces. |
14:40-15:00 (20') |
K1-3 |
Customized Decarbonization Strategy
Joon Ho CHO (Korean Register, Senior Vice President, Korea) 맞춤형 탈탄소화 전략 | 조준호 상무(한국선급) |
![]() Joon Ho CHO
the Korean Register, I worked in the overseas business development team and the
domestic business development team for overseas shipowners, Korean shipowners,
and shipyards. I am currently working as the general manager of the technical business
development team in charge of business support and customer advisory services.
I worked in the sales engineering team at the Korean shipyard, and I designed
standard ships, estimated new-building prices, prepared building
specifications, and had the contact meetings. I also worked on the design of
the main propulsion system at a shipyard, and I have practical experience in
various types of propulsion systems for commercial vessels and special vessels such
as naval vessels and offshore support vessels.
Due to strengthening IMO environmental regulations, shipping companies' concerns about building a sustainable future are increasing. At the MEPC 80 meeting held in 2023, IMO set a goal of reaching Net-Zero by around 2050, and it will be regulated through medium-term measures that combine the GFS (GHG Fuel Standard) based on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) guideline and market-based measures in addition to existing short-term measures.
Therefore, it is essential for each shipping company to establish a decarbonization strategy to increase energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions. To effectively achieve decarbonization, a customized decarbonization strategy is required according to the status of each shipping company's fleet, and furthermore, action plans that optimize the operational, technical, and economic aspects of each ship must be prepared. In 2023, KR conducted a joint study on decarbonization strategies with a Korean shipping company, and we will introduce the contents. |
14:55-15:20 (25’) |
K1-4 |
Green Ship Finance to Encourage Eco-friendly Ships in Korea
Ho-Choon Lee (KMI, Deputy President, Korea) 친환경 선박의 보급 확대와 녹색선박금융 활용 방안 | 이호춘 본부장(한국해양수산개발원) |
![]() Ho-Choon Lee
Lee Ho Choon, Ph.D. candidate in environmental economics graduated from the
department of economics, Korea University in Seoul and holds an M.A degree (2000)
in economics from Korea University.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) agreed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by or around 2050 at the 80th meeting of the Marine Environment Commission (MEPC) held in London in early July. This is a stronger measure than the previous target of 50% reduction by 2050, and the impact on the Korean shipping industry is expected to increase further.
In response to the IMO's tightening of GHG regulations, Korean shipping companies are expected to be forced to make large-scale new investments in carbon-free ships or pay for excess GHG emissions while using existing ships. According to the KMI study, the number of ships that need to be replaced with a single-year of (CII) E rating ships will be 259 by 2030, and the number is expected to increase to 370 if three consecutive years of (CII) D rating ships are included. Converting these many ships into eco-friendly ships is expected to cost trillions of won every year. For the successful transition to eco-friendly ships, it is very important to revitalize the financing of green ships. In addition, in order to revitalize green ship finance, it is necessary to improve the tax system, expand government incentives, and expand the provision of ESG finance incentives. |
15:20-15:40 (20’) |
커피 브레이크 | ||
15:40-15:55 (15’) | KN-2 |
Keynote Speech 2 : Decarbonization of International Shipping – An Update on Regulatory Developments
Heike Deggim (IMO, Director of Marine Environment Division ) 국제 해운의 탈탄소화 - 규제 발전에 대한 최신 동향 | 헤이케데김 해양환경국장(국제해사기구) |
15:55-17:10 (75') |
[K2] Digital Transformation and Maritime Safety Chairperson : Ue-Kan Kim (KCOMP, Executive Director, Korea) 디지털전환과 해양안전 | 김의간 상임위원(한국해양정책연합) |
![]() Ue-Kan Kim
Biography |
15:55-16:15 (25') |
K2-1 |
Maritime Safety-Net in the Era of Digital Transformation
Jeong-Bin Yim (KMOU, Professor, Korea) 디지털 전환 시대에서 해사 안전망 | 임정빈 교수(국립한국해양대학교) |
Jeong-Bin Yim
2020 ~
Current: Research Director of KMOU for Korea Autonomous Surface Ship Project,
MOF 2021 ~ 2022:
Head, Division of Maritime AI & Cyber Security, KMOU 2022 ~ 2023:
President, Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2012 ~ 2013:
Chair, Korea Sea Grant Program Association. MOF 1999 ~ 2018:
Professor, Mokpo National Maritime University 1995 ~ 1999:
Civilian Professor, Korea Naval Academy 1997 Doctorate,
Dept. of Electronics, Undergraduate School of PNU 1991 Master,
Dept. of Navigation, Undergraduate School of KMOU 1986 ~ 1990:
Onboard Service as Deck-Office 1986 Bachelor, Department of Navigation, KMOU
The purpose of the maritime safety net is to promote a safe, stable, and sustainable global maritime industry, and the core of the maritime safety net in the era of digital transformation is artificial intelligence-based cyber security. Moreover, the maritime safety net in the era of digital transformation can be implemented through an organic combination of cutting-edge technology and highly trained human resources. Particularly, because cyber terrorism in maritime transportation passes through ships, maritime cyber security, unlike ashore, requires the expert knowledge of an operator on board ships. National Korea Maritime & Ocean University established the Division of Maritime Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security in 2022 and is beginning to train professional maritime officers specialized in both artificial intelligence and cyber security. In this lecture, we introduce the educational system and future development plans of the Division of Maritime Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security. This lecture is expected to serve as a framework for education and training on artificial intelligence-based cyber security in the global maritime industry.
16:15-16:45 (25') |
K2-2 |
Strategic Application of AI in the Maritime Industry
Suk-Hyun Lee (Solidium, CEO, Korea) 인공지능(AI)과 비즈니스에의 전략적 적용 | 이석현 대표(솔리디엄) |
![]() Suk-Hyun Lee
● (Current) CEO of Solidium, management consulting firm ● Executive vice president and CFO of Hwaseung Corporation in charge of corporate strategy and finance ● Corporate strategy officer at HMM and Hanjin Shipping ● Team leader of Corporate strategy at HD Hyundai Oilbank ● Principal Consultant at Strategy group at PwC Consulting ● Holds MBA degree from the Fuqua school of business at Duke University, U.S
Whether it is supply chain optimization, route planning, autonomous ships, or the application of robotic solutions in warehouses, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the entire value chain of the maritime industry.
In this presentation, we will look at cases of AI applications in the maritime industry in shipping, terminal operations, and warehouse operations, and discuss the strategic implications of these applications for the maritime industry. |
16:45-17:10 (25') |
K2-3 |
Approach to Risk Assessment for Ships' Cybersecurity
Kae-Myoung Park (KR, Director, Korea) 선박 사이버보안을 위한 리스크 평가 접근 | 박개명 팀장(한국선급) |
![]() Kae-Myoung Park
* Education: Graduated from
KAIST with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in August 1996. Earned a master’s
degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Inha University in
August 2015. * Work Experience: Worked at Korean
Air as an aviation technology researcher
from May 2001 to July 2008. Currently employed
at the Korea Register with
responsibilities including: - Overseeing the
development and certification services related to pseudosafety. - Managing the
development and certification services for software suitability rules. * National Research and Projects: Leading the development of cybersecurity technology for autonomous navigation vessels (funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2021-2024). Involved in the
establishment of a regional hub for information security (funded by the
Ministry of Science and ICT, 2023-2024).
1. Ship Cyber Resilience Rules (UR E26, E27):
UR E26: This rule pertains to ship cyber resilience and procedures for ensuring resilience against cyber attacks on ships. 2. Ship Cybersecurity Research: We are currently working on the development of cybersecurity technology for autonomous navigation vessels. 3. Risk Assessment for Ship Cyber Resilience: Our team assesses the cyber resilience of ships, identifying potential risks and devising mitigation strategies. |
16:40-17:00 (20') |
K2-4 |
Cybersecurity Approaches in the Digital Transformation of Ports
Kyung-Cheol Park (Busan Port Authority ICT Department, Director, Korea) 항만의 디지털 전환 가속화에 따른 사이버위기 대응 방향 | 박경철 실장(부산항만공사 디지털정보부) |
Time | 11. 12 (화) |
10:00-12:00 (120’) |
제3회 청소년 코마린 토론대회 본선 |
13:00-13:30 (30’) |
개회식 |
13:30-14:00 (30’) |
기조강연 |
14:00-15:20 (80’) |
[세션 1] 친환경 연료 개발과 항만 및 선사의 대응 |
15:20-15:40 (20’) |
커피 브레이크 |
15:40-17:20 (100’) |
[세션 2] 스마트 선박과 사이버 보안 |
Time | 11. 13 (수) |
10:00-11:30 (90’) |
[세션 3] 해양조선 신기술 동향과 대응 |
11:30-12:40 (70’) |
오찬 |
12:40-13:40 (60’) |
[좌담회] 국내외를 선도하는 기자재 업체 성공사례와 관점 |
13:40-15:10 (90’) |
[세션 4] 조선해양기자재산업 최근 트랜드와 각국의 대응 |
15:10-15:30 (20’) |
커피 브레이크 |
15:30-17:00 (90’) |
[세션 5] 에너지 신기술 |
Time | Program | ||
10:00-12:00 (120') |
3rd National High School Komarine Debate Competition 제3회 청소년 코마린 토론대회 본선 |
13:00-13:30 (30') |
Opening Ceremony | ||
13:30 - 14:00 (30') | KN-1 |
Keynote Speech 1 : The Path to a Sustainable Port - Shaping the Green Transformation
Tino Klemm (Hamburg Port Authority, CFO, Germany ) 지속 가능한 항만으로 가는 길 - 친환경 전환 | 티노 클렘 CFO(함부르크 항만공사) |
14:00-15:20 (80') |
[K1] Green Fuel Development and Ports' and Shipping Companies' Response Chairperson : Kang-Ki Lee (AVL Zoellner Marine GmbH, Managing Director, Germany) 친환경 연료 개발과 항만 및 선사의 대응 | 이강기 사장(에이브이엘 동력계 ㈜) |
![]() Kang-Ki Lee
BiographyKang-Ki Lee holds an PhD in Maritime Energy Management from World Maritime University in Malmo Sweden, focusing on maritime energy management and how to mitigate GHG emissions from shippin g. His research interests are GHG emissions, energy strategy and alternative fuels in maritime trans portation. He added management skill through executive management courses of MAN Group with WHU and Ox ford University (2007-2010) after Industrial Management from Seoul National University (2007) Korea. He worked as professor for (National) Korea Maritime University 2013-2019 after Executive Senior Vice President of DSEC (Subsidy of Daewoo Shipbuilding Machinery Engineering) and President of MAN Diesel Korea & Turbo Far East till 2013 since 1987. Currently, he is the managing director of AVL Zöllner Marine GmbH, Germany, a partnership associa te professor at Klaipeda University, and member of the CIMAC GHG Strategy WG. |
14:00-14:20 (20') |
K1-1 |
First Mover to De-Carbonization - e-Fuel Engine
Sung-Chan An (HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, Senior Vice President, Korea) 탈탄소화를 위한 퍼스트 무버 - e-Fuel 엔진 | 안성찬 상무(HD현대중공업) |
![]() Sung-Chan An
- Bachelor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University (1991 ~ 1998) - Master's degree, KAIST Mechanical Engineering (1998-2000) "Optimal design of compression support ring" - Ph.D., Pusan National University Tribology (2008 ~ 2017) " Contact fatigue life prediction model development considering oil film coefficients and experimental productions" - 2000 ~ 2005 Ship Maritime Research Institute Structural Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2005 ~ 2014 Technology Development Headquarters Engine Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2015 ~ 2016 Engine Research Institute Reliability Laboratory/Optimal Design Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2016 ~ 2020 Engine Research Institute Green Power System Laboratory, Hyundai Heavy Industries - Dec. 2021~ Nov. 2022, Head of Virtual Product Development Research Department, Hyundai Heavy Industries - Dec. 2022 ~ , Head of Engine Research Institute, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries - 2023 ~ , KSME, Director of Industry-University Cooperation / Director of Industry-University Cooperation in the Reliability Division - Dec. 2023 ~ , Senior Executive Director of KOMERI
In recent years, the focus on carbon-neutrality has been growing across the entire industry. According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), international shipping must reduce total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 100% (achieving net-zero) by 2050, compared to 2008 levels. To achieve carbon-neutrality, it is essential to change ship fuels from fossil fuel to e-fuels. Representative e-fuels include methanol, ammonia and hydrogen, with methanol-powered engines already being available commercially. In 2022, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) developed the world`s first 3.0-4.5MW medium-speed methanol-powered engine, H32DF-LM, which is being supplied to methanol-fueled ships globally. Additionally, in March 2024, HHI successfully completed the type approval test (TAT) for its 1.3-2.0MW medium-speed methanol engine, H22CDF-LM, establishing the first-ever lineup of methanol engines worldwide. HHI is in the process of developing 2.0-3.0MW methanol engine and plans to complete the detailed design later this year. Furthermore, research and development are underway for ammonia and hydrogen engines, which are zero-carbon fuels. To better understand the spay and combustion characteristics of ammonia fuel, HHI built the world`s largest constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) and has conducted visualization tests of ammonia spray and combustion. Based on the insight gained from these tests, engine prototype tests are currently in progress. The first ammonia engine (1.3-2.0MW), H22CDF-LA, is scheduled for TAT in the last of 2024. To develop the hydrogen engine, combustion characteristics and key component verification will be conducted using a single-cylinder engine. Following this, the development will be expanded to multi-cylinder engines. In addition, fuel supply system for each fuel type is being developed. Through these, we are doing our best as a total marine solution provider.
14:20-14:40 (20') |
K1-2 |
Shipping Companies' Strategy for Eco-friendly Ships
Young-Sun Kim (HMM, R&D Team Leader, Korea) 친환경선박을 위한 해운선사 전략 | 김영선 팀장(HMM R&D팀) |
![]() Young-Sun Kim
1996 ~ 2006
: Marine chief officer at HMM 2006 ~ 2010
: General manager (Safety Management Team in HMM) 2010 ~ 2018
: Team Leader of the Maritime Technology Team (HMM Ocean Service) 2018 ~ : Team Leader of the R&D Team (HMM)
Shipping companies face two major challenges: digitalization and decarbonization. In particular, decarbonizing shipping is one of the biggest challenges facing the shipping industry.
Greenhouse gas regulations for shipping are becoming increasingly stringent. The last MEPC 80 introduced a much stronger IMO GHG strategy of achieving net zero by 2050. The IMO is currently discussing stronger mid-term measures beyond short-term measures. In addition to IMO, the EU is preparing its own regional regulations. To respond to these regulations, shipping companies are considering a number of strategies, including newbuildings powered by alternative fuels, retrofitting existing conventional ships to alternative fuel ships, energy-saving devices, and biofuels. Today, I would like to explain what strategies shipping is developing and implementing in response to the decarbonization pressures it faces. |
14:40-15:00 (20') |
K1-3 |
Customized Decarbonization Strategy
Joon Ho CHO (Korean Register, Senior Vice President, Korea) 맞춤형 탈탄소화 전략 | 조준호 상무(한국선급) |
![]() Joon Ho CHO
the Korean Register, I worked in the overseas business development team and the
domestic business development team for overseas shipowners, Korean shipowners,
and shipyards. I am currently working as the general manager of the technical business
development team in charge of business support and customer advisory services.
I worked in the sales engineering team at the Korean shipyard, and I designed
standard ships, estimated new-building prices, prepared building
specifications, and had the contact meetings. I also worked on the design of
the main propulsion system at a shipyard, and I have practical experience in
various types of propulsion systems for commercial vessels and special vessels such
as naval vessels and offshore support vessels.
Due to strengthening IMO environmental regulations, shipping companies' concerns about building a sustainable future are increasing. At the MEPC 80 meeting held in 2023, IMO set a goal of reaching Net-Zero by around 2050, and it will be regulated through medium-term measures that combine the GFS (GHG Fuel Standard) based on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) guideline and market-based measures in addition to existing short-term measures.
Therefore, it is essential for each shipping company to establish a decarbonization strategy to increase energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions. To effectively achieve decarbonization, a customized decarbonization strategy is required according to the status of each shipping company's fleet, and furthermore, action plans that optimize the operational, technical, and economic aspects of each ship must be prepared. In 2023, KR conducted a joint study on decarbonization strategies with a Korean shipping company, and we will introduce the contents. |
15:00-15:20 (20’) |
Q&A and Discussion | ||
15:20 - 15:40 (20’) |
Coffee Break | ||
15:40-17:20 (100') |
[K2] Smart Ships and Cyber Security Chairperson : Deog-Hee Doh (Korea Coalition of Marine Policy, Chairman, Korea) 스마트 선박과 사이버 보안 | 도덕희 대표이사장(한국해양정책연합) |
![]() Deog-Hee Doh
Biography |
15:40-16:00 (20') |
K2-1 |
Cyber security and Maritime law
In-Hyeon Kim (Korea University, Professor, Korea) 사이버보안과 해양법 | 김인현 교수(고려대학교) |
![]() In-Hyeon Kim
from Korea Maritime University in 1982 Graduate
from Korea University School of Law in 2007. Obtain Ph D
in Law from Korea University school of Law in 1999, Professor of Korea University School of Law from 2009-2024.
Cyber Security becomes very important for a vessel.
Cyber security will be a part of seaworthiness of the vessel. Whether a carrier will be liable for the cargo damages caused by the cyber attack. |
16:00-16:20 (20') |
K2-2 |
Plan for Global Maritime Digital Route Testbed
Han-Jin Lee (Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Principal Researcher, Korea) 글로벌 해사 디지털 항로 테스트베드 계획 | 이한진 책임연구원(선박해양플랜트연구소) |
Han-Jin Lee
Jin LEE served as the Vice President of the Korea Research Institute of Ships
and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) from 2021 to 2022. He has been with KRISO since
1997. Also, he was the General Project Manager of the SMART-Navigation Project,
a Korean e-Navigation project, from 2016 to 2020. He developed the e-Navigation
system, which began providing essential maritime services for ship safety in
Korean waters in 2021. His primary role at KRISO is to conduct research and
development related to ship navigation safety. At the same time, he is in
charge of projects related to maritime digital transformation at KRISO. He
holds a Ph.D. in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Seoul National
University in Korea.
Han Jin LEE served as the Vice President of the Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) from 2021 to 2022. He has been with KRISO since 1997. Also, he was the General Project Manager of the SMART-Navigation Project, a Korean e-Navigation project, from 2016 to 2020. He developed the e-Navigation system, which began providing essential maritime services for ship safety in Korean waters in 2021. His primary role at KRISO is to conduct research and development related to ship navigation safety. At the same time, he is in charge of projects related to maritime digital transformation at KRISO. He holds a Ph.D. in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Seoul National University in Korea.
16:20-16:40 (20') |
K2-3 |
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Model in Smart Ship
Kae-Myoung Park (Korean Register, General Manager, Korea) 스마트선박의 사이버보안 리스크평가 모델 | 박개명 팀장(한국선급) |
![]() Kae-Myoung Park
*Education: Graduated from KAIST with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in August 1996. Earned a master’s degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Inha University in August 2015. *Work Experience: Worked at Korean Air as an aviation technology researcher from May 2001 to July 2008. Currently employed at the Korea Register with responsibilities including: - Overseeing the development and certification services related to pseudosafety. - Managing the development and certification services for software suitability rules. * National Research and Projects: Leading the development of cybersecurity technology for autonomous navigation vessels (funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2021-2024). I nvolved in the establishment of a regional hub for information security (funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT, 2023-2024). Contributing to maritime cybersecurity planning research (funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2023).
With the introduction of ICT technology on ships, ships are becoming smarter. Therefore, we propose countermeasures to ship cybersecurity that should be considered. Traditionally, ships have offered to solve problems through risk assessment. Here are some examples of applying existing risk assessment techniques to cybersecurity. In particular, we will present a risk assessment approach to the introduction of new ship technologies. We will introduce cases of applying this risk assessment to cybersecurity and research on cybersecurity risk assessment models suitable for smart ships.
16:40-17:00 (20') |
K2-4 |
Cybersecurity Approaches in the Digital Transformation of Ports
Kyung-Cheol Park (Busan Port Authority ICT Department, Director, Korea) 항만의 디지털 전환 가속화에 따른 사이버위기 대응 방향 | 박경철 실장(부산항만공사 디지털정보부) |
17:00-17:20 (20’) |
Q&A and Discussion |
Time | Program | ||
10:00-11:30 (90') |
[K3] Offshore Shipbuilding New Technology Trends and Responses Chairperson : Jin-Hoi Hwang (Korea Maritime Institute, Director General, Korea) 해양조선 신기술 동향과 대응 | 황진회 위원(한국해양수산개발원) |
![]() Jin-Hoi Hwang
Biography |
10:00-10:20 (20') |
K3-1 |
Digital Innovation on Trust
Hyeon-Sook Yoon (HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, Senior Researcher, Korea) 신뢰를 위한 디지털 혁신, 디지털트윈 | 윤현숙 책임 연구원(HD한국조선해양 미래기술연구소) |
![]() Hyeon-Sook Yoon
PROFILE Senior Researcher, Ph.D. / Team Leader Digital Twin Research Dept. / Digital Research Lab / Advanced Research Center / HD KSOE Ph.D. in Engine combustion with dimethyl-ether 11 years’ work experience in digital twin at HD HHI and HD KSOE EDUCATION Feb 2013: PhD. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST Feb 2005: BS. Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University
In the presentation, the current status of HD Hyundai's digital solution development and efforts to secure trust in these technologies are discussed.
Software-Driven Vessels (SDVs) are a key aspect of achieving autonomy. HD Hyundai is developing SDVs that centralize ship functions to enhance safety and efficiency. These innovations include HD Hyundai's HiNAS, an autonomous navigation system, HiCONiS, an integrated automation system, and the Integrated Smart-Ship Solution (ISS). To ensure the reliability of these new digital solutions, HD Hyundai has applied Digital Twin technology, which uses simulations to pre-validate ship systems. This digital twin technology is now expanding beyond the shipbuilding process to become a solution for crew assistance. Digital Twin technology will fundamentally change how humans learn about and interact with an asset's systems, thereby improving operational efficiency on marine vessels and offshore assets. Digital Twin will be the "keystone" of digitalization. |
10:20-10:40 (20') |
K3-2 |
International Regulation Trend of Green House Gas Emission and Some Examples to Solve the Challenges by Big Data Analytics
Hang-Sub Urm (All Sea Data Inc., CEO, Korea) 대양운항 선박의 온실가스 규정에 따른 대책과 빅데이터를 활용한 해결방안 | 엄항섭 대표(올시데이터) |
![]() Hang-Sub Urm
Personal Information Citizenship: Republic of Korea Date of Birth: 10 Sep. 1958 Academic Education 1991 Ph.D., Marine Technology, Newcastle University, U.K. 1984 MSc, Naval Architecture, Seoul National University, Korea 1981 BSc., Naval Architecture, Seoul National University, Korea Summary of Professional Experiences 2020 - Present CEO and founder of All Sea Data Inc., 2020 – Present CEO of Korea Expansion Inc., Future Shipyard Inc., & Badadosi Inc, 2022 - 2023 Committee Member Ocean City of Busan City 2019 – 2019 DSME, Chair Research Fellow, Executive Vice President 2012 – 2018 DSME, Head of Research Institute, Executive Vice President 2017 – 2018 Chair of board, Industry ICT Convergence Association 2014 – 2015 DSSC, Chair of Board, China 2013 – 2015 DSME, Chief Strategy Officer, DSME 1998 – 2012 DNV Korea, Vice President 1981 – 1998 Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Ltd. (DSME), Language Capabilities Language Language Level Korean Native English High Japanese Low Major Achievements of All Sea Data Inc., 2020 – present Best Korean Company Award, Money Today Newspaper, Ministries of Industries, Environment and Education, 2021 Best Korean Innovative Company Award, Hanguk Daily Newspaper, 2022, Best Korean Company Award, Money Today Newspaper, Ministries of Industries, Environment and Education, 2022 Best Venture Company, Busan Creative Economy Center, 2020 Best project award, National IT Industry Promotion Agency, 2021 Best project award, Ship Performance Big Data Center, National Information Society Agency, 2022 Word first greenhouse gas assessment of global fleet by using big data of ship movements and marine environment.
Summary As there are many tough regulations by IMO and EU such CII, EU ETS, FuelEu Maritime and the market pressure from the charterers, cargo owners and the society at large to reduce greenhouse gas, it is a tough challenge to find most effective solutions for reduction of greenhouse gas emission in the maritime industry.
Although there are many attempts have been made to reduce CO2 emissions, such as green fuel, energy saving devices, etc., there is no one solution to satisfy all the requirements. By using big data analytics, there is a possibility to find good solutions, such as root causes analysis of CO2 emissions and minimization of fuel consumption, etc. by using trading routes big data of AIS, ship & engines, environmental loads including typhoons & hurricanes since 1842, and port data. Using about 3.0 billion big data including about 1.0 million actual trading route data for about 30,000 ocean going ships travelled in the oceans, some sample solutions to find root causes of CO2 emissions from ships and various alternatives to minimize CO2 emissions, such as multi-objectives optimal route selection, etc. will be presented. |
10:40-11:00 (20') |
K3-3 |
Introduction to Eco-friendly Equipment Certification Scheme
Jun-Keon Ahn (Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority, Senior Researcher, Korea) 친환경 기자재 인증제도 도입과 활용 | 안준건 선임연구원(한국해양교통안전공단) |
![]() Jun-Keon Ahn
Dr. Junkeon Ahn has combined experiences both in research and policy with a wide range of knowledge in maritime industry. He is working for the Eco-friendly Vessel Certification according to the Act on Eco-friendly Vessel at the KOMSA (Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority). He serves as a senior researcher of R&D projects including green-ship technologies such as maritime fuel cell, hydrogen energy, LNG-fueled ship propulsion, CO2 capture and sequestration, system reliability and risk analyses, etc. His research is the areas of maritime power cycle, refrigeration cycle, eco-efficiency philosophy. Now he is interested in the regulatory frameworks for a special tax regime for green shipping and a green finance program.
The Republic of Korea implemented the Act on Eco-friendly Vessels in 2020. According to the Act, the first national plan of the 2030 Greenship-K Strategy was announced to popularize eco-friendly vessels and encourage innovative R&D programs. One regulatory framework for eco-friendly ships is the Eco-friendly Vessel and Equipment Certification Scheme from 2021. The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries started this scheme for coastal and inland vessels and enlarged it to ocean-going ships. The certified vessels may have financial and tax incentives. This presentation suggests the measure of utilization of Eco-friendly Equipment Certification for Net-zero and green shipping.
11:00-11:30 (30’) |
Q&A and Discussion | ||
11:30-12:40 (70’) |
Lunch | ||
12:40 - 13:40 (60') | Panel Discussion | ||
PD |
Model Cases and Perspectives from Leading Korean and International Equipment Companies
Kang-Ki Lee (AVL Zoellner Marine GmbH, President, Germany) 국내외를 선도하는 기자재 업체 성공사례와 관점 | 이강기 사장(AVL Zoellner Marine GmbH) |
패널 |
Kwang-Hean An (HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, President, Korea)
안광헌 사장(HD한국조선해양) |
패널 |
Jong-Wook Lee (Techcross Inc, Managing Director, Korea)
이종욱 상무이사(테크로스) |
패널 |
Ho-Gil Chang (SUNBO, Director, Korea)
장호길 상무(선보공업) |
13:40-15:10 (90') |
[K4] Recent Trends in the Shipbuilding and Offshore Equipment Industry and Different Countries' Responses Chairperson : Jin-Hun Choo (Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute, Managing Director, Korea) 조선해양기자재산업 최근 트랜드와 각국의 대응 | 추진훈 본부장(한국조선해양기자재연구원) |
![]() Jin-Hun Choo
BiographyABOUT ME Early
acquisition of decarbonization fuel technologies and smart ship technologies
such as autonomous navigation is crucia to secure future global market
leadership. decarbonization and digitalization are essential for the
sustainable growth of the domestic shipbuilding industry. From June
2019 to April 2023, I contributed to establishing an industrial foundation for verifying
the stability and efficiency of small and medium-sized ships through the 'Development
of 1MW Electric Propulsion System Performance Evaluation Technology for
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Propulsion Ship Development' project as a project manager. From June
2020 to May 2027, as a project manager, I contributed to securing
carbon-neutral technology based on fuel cells through the 'Development of Fuel
Cell-Based Hybrid Electric Propulsion System' project. Additionally,
from October 2020 to December 2022, as a project manager, I contributed to the
smartification and safety enhancement of the shipbuilding industry through the 'Advancement
of Open Cloud Platform for Smart Maritime Convergence Services' project. |
13:40-14:00 (20') |
K4-1 |
Latest Trends and Outlook for Maritime Industry in Europe
Kang-Ki Lee (AVL Zoellner Marine GmbH, Managing Director, Germany) 유럽 조선해양기자재산업 동향과 협력전략 (자유토론) | 이강기 사장(에이브이엘 동력계 ㈜) |
![]() Kang-Ki Lee
Kang-Ki Lee holds an PhD in Maritime Energy Management from World Maritime University in Malmo Sweden, focusing on maritime energy management and how to mitigate GHG emissions from shippin g. His research interests are GHG emissions, energy strategy and alternative fuels in maritime trans portation. He added management skill through executive management courses of MAN Group with WHU and Ox ford University (2007-2010) after Industrial Management from Seoul National University (2007) Korea. He worked as professor for (National) Korea Maritime University 2013-2019 after Executive Senior Vice President of DSEC (Subsidy of Daewoo Shipbuilding Machinery Engineering) and President of MAN Diesel Korea & Turbo Far East till 2013 since 1987. Currently, he is the managing director of AVL Zöllner Marine GmbH, Germany, a partnership associa te professor at Klaipeda University, and member of the CIMAC GHG Strategy WG.
14:00-14:20 (20') |
K4-2 |
China Shipbuilding & Marine Equipment Industry Challenge and (our) Strategy
Jun-Oh Hwang (Korea Marine Equipment Association China(Shanghai) Office, Chief Representative, China) 중국 조선해양기자재 산업의 도전과 전략 | 황준오 전문위원(한국조선해양기자재공업협동조합 중국 거점기지) |
![]() Jun-Oh Hwang
• Chief Representative at KOMEA China Branch • CEO of SG Ship Technology
• 2024 Status of the Chinese Shipbuilding Market
• Smart Factory Implementation in Chinese Shipbuilding Equipment Companies • Current Trends and Rapid Growth of the Chinese Marine Equipment Industry • Responses and Strategies of the Domestic Marine Equipment Industry |
14:20-14:40 (20') |
K4-3 |
K-Shipbuilding VISION 2040 for Korea’s Shipbuilding and Offshore Equipment Industry
Hee-Su Lee (Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering PD, Korea) 조선해양 산업을 위한 K-조선 비전 2040 및 정부 지원 방향 | 이희수 조선해양PD(한국산업기술기획평가원) |
![]() Hee-Su Lee
2014 ~
Present Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology
2011 ~ 2019 Ph.D.
Pusan National Univ. Dept. of NAOE 2008 ~ 2010 MS.c.
Pusan National Univ. Dept. of NAOE
ㅇ Introduction to K-Shipbuilding VISION 2040 and Government R&D Support Directions for Achieving a Competitive Edge in the Future of the Shipbuilding Industry
- Introduction of eco-friendly and autonomous Ships, smart yard large projects, and support directions by 2040. |
14:40-15:10 (30’) |
Q&A and Discussion | ||
15:10-15:30 (20’) |
Coffee Break | ||
15:30-17:00 (90') |
[K5] New Energy Technologies Chairperson : Gyung-Boo Ryu (Korean Register, Head of New Business Enhancement Agency, Korea) 에너지 신기술 | 류경부 신성장사업단장(한국선급) |
15:30-15:50 (20') |
K5-1 |
Offshore Plant: International Trends
Hyun-Buki Jeon (American Bureau of Shipping, Director of North Pacific Region, Korea) 해양플랜트 국제 동향 | 전현부기 본부장(미국선급협회) |
![]() Hyun-Buki Jeon
Hyun-Buki Jeon has been working as Regional Director of Offshore Business for North Pacific since July 2015, primarily in-charge of offshore business including wind farm and offshore energy transition in Korea and Japan. He also served as manager of offshore Technology Business Development for North Pacific Region from 2014 to June 2015. Prior to the Offshore Technology Business Development, he served as manager of Offshore Engineering Department, primarily responsible for plan approval activities and technical supports to Korean clients. He was assigned to ABS Singapore office from 2008 to 2010 to lead offshore drilling team and to support FPSO conversion projects. Mr. Jeon began his career with ABS in 1993 and served in various engineering roles including USCG projects after graduating from Korea Maritime and Ocean University with a master’s degree of Mechanical Engineering. He completed the ESG Executive Course from KAIST in 2022.
As the global offshore energy sectors evolve, both traditional oil and gas as well as emerging renewable markets face unprecedented shifts in trends, technologies, and sustainability demands. This paper explores the trends on the international offshore energy scene and discusses opportunities for the South Korea’s industry on these developments, with a focus on balancing the continued importance of oil and gas operations alongside the rapid expansion of offshore renewables.
Key areas include: Market Dynamics: Examining the impact of fluctuating energy prices and demand, geopolitical influences and the increasing demand and call for renewables. Technological Innovations: Highlighting advancements in offshore drilling, subsea systems and digitalization, which are driving efficiency in traditional sectors while also supporting the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure. Sustainability: Discussing the application of sustainable practices in design, operation and decommissioning, ensuring that both traditional and renewable offshore projects meet evolving environmental standards set regionally and globally. This abstract underscores the necessity of a wider view of the offshore energy sector, which continues to optimize traditional oil and gas operations while embracing the future of renewables and sustainable solutions. South Korea’s proactive strategies and technological leadership are poised to play a critical role in shaping the global offshore energy landscape. |
15:50-16:10 (20') |
K5-2 |
Harnessing the Wind: Korea's Competitive Edge in the Global Offshore Wind Industry
Rachel Eun-Bi Shin (PKR Offshore, Head of Business Deveiopment, Singapore) 바람을 활용하다: 글로벌 해상 풍력 산업에서의 한국의 경쟁력 | 신은비 이사(피케이알오프쇼어) |
Rachel Eun-Bi Shin
Professional Experience PKR Offshore (Subsidiary of MarcoPolo Marine Group), Singapore | Head of South Korea Business Development Lead strategic initiatives for offshore wind shipping in APAC Provide integrated maritime solutions for offshore wind development across Asia Solutions for Our Climate, South Kore | Researcher Conduct research on aligning energy supply chains and shipbuilding industry with Paris Agreement goals Focus on sustainable practices and climate change mitigation strategies Education INSEAD, France | Master of Business Administration (MBA) Ranked No. 2 Global MBA Program by Financial Times in 2024 Korea Maritime and Ocean University, South Korea | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Summary This presentation will explore the burgeoning offshore wind power industry and its significant implications for Korea's maritime and energy sectors. As global trends shift towards renewable energy sources, offshore wind stands out not only for its environmental benefits but also for its increasing cost-effectiveness.
Key points include: 1. Global Trend: Offshore wind is becoming an irresistible force in the energy sector, driven by environmental concerns, economic viability and security. 2. Korea's Competitive Advantage: Korea's unique position in the Asian market, with its robust supply chain, including strong heavy industry and steel manufacturing capabilities. This is exemplified by how leading turbine manufacturers are recognizing Korea's potential and establishing a presence in the market. 3. Specialized Maritime Requirements and Economic Impact: Explaining the distinct nature of offshore wind vessels and how they differ from traditional commercial shipbuilding and operations. This shift can lead to higher economic value creation for the country, by revitalizing local supply chains and promoting balanced regional economic development and a just transition. 4. Regulatory Landscape: Addressing the need for streamlined regulations and permitting processes, including the introduction of maritime spatial planning by the government, to accelerate industry growth. 5. Strategic Partnerships: Emphasizing the importance of collaborating with experienced international players to leverage global expertise and lessons that can be drawn from neighboring countries, particularly Taiwan's offshore wind development. |
16:10-16:30 (20') |
K5-3 |
Study on Conceptual Design of Small Modular Reactor(SMR) Powered Ships and Offshore Platforms
Bu-Geun Paik (Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Principal Researcher, Korea) 소형모듈원전(SMR) 추진 선박×해양플랜트 개념설계 연구 | 백부근 책임연구원(선박해양플랜트연구소) |
![]() Bu-Geun Paik
[Education] 1993 ~ 1995: POSTECH Physics M.S. 2001 ~ 2005: POSTECH Mechanical Eng. Ph.D. 2010 ~ 2011: Univ. of Michigan Mechanical Eng. Post Doc [Experience] 1995 ~ 2000: Researcher, Geoje Shipyard, Samsung Heavy Industries 2005 ~ current: Principal Researcher, KRISO 2019 ~ 2020: Senior Director in Ship Division, Vice President, KRISO 2020 ~ current: Editorial Director, Business Director, The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 2023 ~ current: Development of MSR Technology, Advisory in Ocean & Ship Field 2024 ~ current: K-ARDP Subcommittee, Director in Ocean & Ship Field [Paper] 35 International Papers(SCI level), 33 Domestic Papers(KCI)
In this study, advanced 4th generation SMR technology is applied to the conceptual design of ship and floating power platform to solve national issues such as global warming, greenhouse gas reduction, international environmental regulations (IMO), and fossil energy depletion. We will develop the technology to evaluate the performance of SMR-powered ship and floating power platform. In the case of ships, crew safety and acceptability are improved by developing shielding optimization, radiation dose monitoring and response systems based on quantitative analysis of radiation dose by ship compartment. In addition, we intend to obtain original technology that can be quickly applied to ships of various sizes and types by developing a ship-nuclear integrated safety analysis framework and establishing design procedures according to the application of advanced SMR technology to ship propulsion. In order to solve the cavitation problem of marine propulsor due to SMR ship’s high-speed operation, a special propulsor and a propulsion system will be developed by considering the operation of SMR. In the case of floating power platform, it is difficult to confirm the stability of the reactor and power generation performance because of behavior due to continuous marine environmental loads. Accordingly, a floating power platform design technology will be developed to satisfy the highest SMR requirements and to ensure stable power generation performance even under uncertain environmental conditions at sea. In addition, we plan to develop a power generation performance evaluation platform that considers the movement of the floating body, the reactor, and the power generation system.
16:30-17:00 (30’) |
Q&A and Discussion |