Time | Program | ||
09:30-11:30 (120’) | 제 1회 전국고등학생 코마린 토론대회 | ||
13:00-13:40 (40’) | Opening Ceremony | ||
13:40-14:10 (30’) | KN-1 |
Keynote Speech 1 : Engine Development Trend for the Realization of Zero-Carbon
Kang-Ki LEE (AVL List GmbH, Senior Vice President, Austria ) 탄소제로 실현을 위한 엔진개발추세 | 이강기 부사장/부위원장(AVL List GmbH / CIMAC GHG 전략 그룹) |
Kang-Ki LEE
Professor Kang-Ki LEE currently working as Partnership Associate Professor at Klaipeda University, senior vice president and responsible for High Power Systems at AVL List GmbH in Austria, In parallel, serving as managing director of AVL Zöllner Marine GmbH in Kiel, Germany, studied mechanical engineering at MSc till 1995. And management skills added through Advanced Industrial Program at Seoul National University in 2007 and the executive management course by German based MAN Group through Corporate Program with WHU, Germany and Said Business School of Oxford University, UK till 2010. Worked as president of MAN Diesel & Turbo Korea Ltd since 2007 responsible for the business of internal combustion engine, Korea and as a head of Turbo-machineries business units of MAN for Far East Asia till 2012. EVP of DSEC (Subsidy of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Engineering) for business development & global sales & marketing, and a professor of Korea Maritime & Ocean University lecturing ICE and power systems till 2018. Performed IMO delegates & several States projects of ROK. Research interest on Emission, Energy Trend focus on LNG & Alternative Fuels, Future Technology of Logistics & Transportation, & Convergent Offshore Plants. Business leader of the World first LNG fueled ship development for Northern America and World first & largest LNG fueled bulk carrier upon IMO IGF Code and leading Green Energy Center. Currently working as vice chair of CIMAC GHG Strategy WG, member of Go-LNG Baltic Sea and New Logistics Technology |
14:10-15:40 (90’) |
[Session 1] Maritime Technology for Carbon-free Realization Chairperson : Kang-Ki LEE (AVL List GmbH ,Senior Vice President, Austria ) [세션 1] 탄소제로 실현을 위한 선박 기술 | 이강기 부사장/부위원장(AVL List GmbH / CIMAC GHG 전략 그룹) |
Kang-Ki LEE
Professor Kang-Ki LEE currently working as Partnership Associate Professor at Klaipeda University, senior vice president and responsible for High Power Systems at AVL List GmbH in Austria, In parallel, serving as managing director of AVL Zöllner Marine GmbH in Kiel, Germany, studied mechanical engineering at MSc till 1995. And management skills added through Advanced Industrial Program at Seoul National University in 2007 and the executive management course by German based MAN Group through Corporate Program with WHU, Germany and Said Business School of Oxford University, UK till 2010. Worked as president of MAN Diesel & Turbo Korea Ltd since 2007 responsible for the business of internal combustion engine, Korea and as a head of Turbo-machineries business units of MAN for Far East Asia till 2012. EVP of DSEC (Subsidy of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Engineering) for business development & global sales & marketing, and a professor of Korea Maritime & Ocean University lecturing ICE and power systems till 2018. Performed IMO delegates & several States projects of ROK. Research interest on Emission, Energy Trend focus on LNG & Alternative Fuels, Future Technology of Logistics & Transportation, & Convergent Offshore Plants. Business leader of the World first LNG fueled ship development for Northern America and World first & largest LNG fueled bulk carrier upon IMO IGF Code and leading Green Energy Center. Currently working as vice chair of CIMAC GHG Strategy WG, member of Go-LNG Baltic Sea and New Logistics Technology |
14:10-14:30 (20’) | K1-1 |
Ammonia Transportation/Utilization Technology for the Completion of the Hydrogen Economy Value Chain
Yutaek Seo (Seoul National University, Professor, Korea) 수소 경제 가치 사슬 완성을 위한 암모니아 수송 및 활용 기술 | 서유택 교수(서울대학교) |
![]() Yutaek Seo
Prof. Yutaek Seo is a professor in the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at Seoul National University, South Korea. He has been leading the Energy Systems and Flow Assurance laboratory since 2015. He got his Ph.D. in the Dept of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in KAIST, 2003, then followed his career path as a researcher before joining CSIRO Petroleum in Perth as a hydrates specialist, 2009. Since then he has been investigating various research topics related to multiphase flow and flow assurance issues. The solid deposition such as hydrates and its prevention strategies must be studied together with multiphase flow simulation as well as thermodynamic fluid characterization. Current research projects are focusing on the digitalization of topside processes, low-/zero-carbon fuels for ships, CO2 transportation via pipeline, and hydrate risk management.
14:30-14:50 (20’) | K1-2 |
MicroURANUS: SMR for Offshore Hydrogen Production and Ship Propulsion
Il Soon HWANG (UNIST, Chair Professor, Korea) 해양 수소 생산과 선박 추진용 소형 원전 MicroURANUS | 황일순 석좌교수(UNIST) |
![]() Il Soon HWANG
Professor Hwang has been leading national R&D programs for advanced non-refueling micro nuclear reactor, MicroURANUS, and spent nuclear fuel transmutation technology, PyroGreen, in support of net-zero emission. Currently he serves the International Forum for Reactor Aging Management (IFRAM) as President and the Nuclear Security Research Institute (NUSERI) of the Korea Nuclear Policy Society as the Director. Prior to the current UNIST post, he was Professor of Nuclear Engineering at Seoul National University (SNU), Research Scientist and Visiting Associate Professor at MIT. He published over three hundred technical articles, including SCI-listed papers, 7 co-authored books and over 30 patents. He received awards from Korean Prime Minister, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Order of Cavaliere from Italian President. He was recognized as Outstanding Scientist by the US Department of Justice and as nuclear security expert by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. As a fellow of Korean National Academy of Engineering, he served the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering as a Search & Review Committee, Seoul Nuclear Security Summit-2012, IAEA and OECD-NEA. He actively supports global nuclear security initiatives by organizing the Summit of Honor on Atoms for Peace and Environment (SHAPE), an international nuclear energy policy forum. He received BS in nuclear engineering from Seoul National University, MS in mechanical engineering from KAIST and Ph. D. in nuclear materials engineering from MIT.
14:50-15:10 (20’) | K1-3 |
Technology Trends for Electric Hybrid Propulsion Vessels in Response to Decarbonization in Shipping
HEE JIN KANG (KRISO, Senior Director, Korea) 해운 탈탄소 대응 전기 하이브리드 추진선박 기술 트렌드 | 강희진 본부장(선박해양플랜트연구소) |
● Ph.D. in Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University, 2011 ● Senior Director/Principal Researcher, Alternative Fuels and Power System Research Division, KRISO, Sep. 2021 ~ Current ● Professor, Dept. of Green Mobility, UST, Mar. 2021~Current ● Director, Alternative Fuels and Power System Research Center, Mar. 2021 ~ Aug. 2021 ● Director, Convergence Technology Research Center, Jan. 2018 ~ July. 2018 ● Researcher, Senior Researcher, Principal Researcher. Dec. 2007 ~ Current ● Editorial Board/Lifetime Member, the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Mar. 2015 ~ Current ● Lifetime Member, the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, June 2018 ~ Current ● Project Leader/Convenor, International Standard Organization (ISO) TC8/SC8/WG23 (Buoyancy support system), Jan. 2018 ~ 2020 |
15:10-15:40 (30’) | 패널토론 |
Direction of Ship Fuel for the Realization of Carbon Neutrality
Jungho Son (Hyundai Heavy Industries, Executive Vice President, Korea) Young Bum Lee (DSME, Vice President, Korea) HaeKi Jang (Samsung Heavy Industrial, Vice President, Korea) 탄소중립 실현을 위한 선박연료의 방향은 어디인가 | 패널 : 손정호 전무(현대중공업) / 이영범 상무(대우조선해양) / 장해기 상무(삼성중공업) |
![]() Jungho Son
Professional Experiences R&D - joined to HMRI (Hyundai Maritime Research Institute), Hyundai Heavy Industries in 1995 and expertise in Design and development of marine machinery and equipment such as marine engine, pump and compressor until 2014. Digital transformation - contributed in development of HiMECS (intelligent equipment control system) and HiEMS (IoT-based solution) R&D and Technology management - Head of R&D and engineering in HHI-EMD Educational Background March 1989 ~ Feb. 1993 : Bachelor’s degree, Mechanical Engineering, Busan Nat’l Univ., Korea Feb. 1995 : Master’s degree, Mechanical Engineering, Busan Nat’l Univ., Korea |
15:40-16:00 (20’) | Coffee Break | ||
16:00-17:40 (100’) |
[Session 2] Powering the Zero-Carbon Future with Alternative Fuels Chairperson : Dong Nam (KOMSA,Head of R&D Center, Korea ) [세션 2] 탄소제로 실현을 위한 대체연료 | 남동 기술연구원장(한국해양교통안전공단) |
![]() Dong Nam
Maritime regulatory professional in Class rules and regulations, IMO conventions and codes, IACS technical resolutions, ILO convention and ship building industry standards. Over 30 years of work experience in the maritime industry, including 12 years at Lloyd’s Register, 13 years at Korean Register as a Class surveyor and 4 years of sea-going experience as a ship engineer officer. Currently, Dr. Nam is the head of R&D center of KOMSA. |
16:00-16:20 (20’) | K2-1 |
The GHG Emission on Vessel and Eco-Friendly Ship
Younwoo Nam (KOMSA, Senior Surveyor, Korea) 선박 온실가스와 친환경 선박 | 남연우 책임검사원(한국해양교통안전공단) |
![]() Younwoo Nam
Dr. Nam studied mechanical engineering work at the Dankook University in Seoul.(2011) He worked as senior researcher related to Eco-friendly ship project in Korean register (2011-2018). Since 2018, he was the General manager in marine environmental department and has worked the new technology research of survey, guidelines, etc. in Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority. Dr. Nam worked in many domestic and international to Eco-friendly ship project and the study of performance evaluation, guidelines in emission technology. He has been the member of expert group held by IMO in the framework of black carbon emission from ship since 2013. He is collaborating with the company of marine emission equipment and the government strategy of air pollutant from vessels. |
16:20-16:40 (20’) | K2-2 |
Carbon Neutral Fuel for Transportation
Choongsik Bae (KAIST, Professor, Korea) 수송용 탄소중립연료(E-Fuel) 동향 | 배충식 교수(KAIST) |
![]() Choongsik Bae
('98.08~현재) 한국과학기술원 기계공학과, 교수 ('05.09~'11.08) University College London, UK, 방문교수 (’06) SAE 최우수논문상 ; Harry Horning Memorial Award 수상 ('12~) 세계자동차학회 (SAE) 석학회원 (Fellow) ('12) 국제에너지기구 (IEA) 연소기술 실행합의서 집행위원장 ('11.09~'19.03) 동경공대, 특임교수 ('17.09~'18.08) Imperial College London, UK, 방문교수 ('19.03~'21.03) KAIST 공과대학 학장 ('21.05) 대통령 표창 ('20.06~현재) 한국과학기술원 코로나대응 과학기술 뉴딜사업단, 단장" |
16:40-17:00 (20’) | K2-3 |
Expectations and Concerns about Future Marine Fuels that Will Accelerate Reduction of GHG Emission in Supply Chains
Minsuk Won (SK Energy, PM, Korea) 공급망 탄소 감축을 가속화할 미래 선박연료에 대한 기대와 우려 | 원민석 PM(SK 에너지) |
![]() Minsuk Won
Education South Korea, Inha University, PhD Candidate in Green Finance United Kingdom, Cass Business School, MSc in Shipping Trade and Finance South Korea, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, BSc in Marine Engineering
Work Experience
Global Business Development SK shipping, Marketing Strategy, Shipping Risk and Management HMM, Marine Engineer |
17:00-17:20 (20’) | K2-4 |
Current and Future of Biofuels as a Carbon Neutral Action Strategy
Jaekon Kim (KPetro, Team Manager, Korea) 탄소중립 실행 전략으로서 바이오 연료의 현황과 미래 | 김재곤 팀장(한국석유관리원) |
![]() Jaekon Kim
- Organization 2007 – Current Korea Petroleum Quality & Distribution Authority(K-Petro), Team leader - Education & Career : 2003 Pusan National University, department of chemistry, Ph.D 2004 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST), department of chemistry, Post-doc. 2006 Univ. of Pittsburgh, department of chemistry, Post-doc. 2022 Korea Biofuels Form, General affairs director 2022 The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology(KSAST), Vice-Present |
17:20-17:40 (20’) | Q&A |